The MicroHome chassis has been specifically designed and engineered to allow us to add an extra 33% width to the whole unit. No tiny house offers this feature, leaving the MicroHome as the only system that is 3.2 meters wide.
The benefits are clear:
- Only one level required
- Features such as the bedroom are on the ground floor.
- No dangerous loft spaces
- No dangerous ladders or stairs
- More room for comfortable living
In addition, the MicroHomes proprietary engineered chassis and frame system has been designed and tested using:
- advance 3D modelling,
- FEA (finite elements analysis) technology stress testing the full framework.
This provides a greater understanding of how the framework will behave under given conditions, resulting in better and safer design results.
These innovative features make MicroHomes one of the lightest and most rigid chassis/frame systems on the market today.